So there was an earthquake that resulted in a tsunami that hit Japan. I tried to make the most out of the situation by..how exactly? Went around teasing my brothers about ''THE END IS NEAR'' and ''WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE...'' *scary sounds*
Did I mention I was 19? =='' Looking back to 2 days ago, I've no idea how I was so..immature. Childish. Filled with nonsense. Heck, I'm the same person I was 2 days ago. ==''
When I found out my brothers did not watch 2012..I flipped. Called my dad and got him to buy the DVD because..well, I figured, after having them watch the movie, my ''THE END IS NEAR'' act would be much more believable.
Yes, I'm 19.
Anyways, dad came home today Wednesday, 16th March 2011 with the dvd. Around 10pm, we started watching. I kept glancing at my brothers during the movie to see how freaked they were..and guess what? They kept yawning. == So I ignored them..and concentrate..and got fully absorbed.
I laughed, I screamed, I gasps, I cried.. (well, I cried mostly). Watched the movie hiding behind my pillow because I didn't want my brothers to see me in that state.. At the end, I think I was more FREAKED OUT than they were.
Did I mention I'm 19? Did I mention this is the SECOND time I'm watching the movie?
In fact, I cried more this time. I don't remember tearing up when I first watched it.. Back in 2009..my spm year. I watched 2012 midnight show, with my parents, Arun and Vivian.. 5 days before SPM.. On a friday. Yes, I remember because it was my first midnight show..
Maybe I wasn't so freaked out back then was because I was facing SPM..and that exam was enough to hold me to reality. But this time, year 2011..heading towards year 2012.. I see things different. I'm not saying that I believe the whole 2012 thing..but hey, armagedon.. the apocalypse..last day.. It will come. Someday. Just, we don't know when.
Well actually, the Bible has hinted, tons of hints. I came across this small book a few years ago that was about the Bible. And there's the chapter about the world's end. The day when God's kingdom will descend onto earth. There were signs in the Bible. I remember a few. It will happen in the century where
1. Many new diseases would be discovered, and no cures will be found.
2. Many natural disasters, one after another.
I remember just that two..out of around 12 I think. Yes, there were tons.. I wonder what century will that happen.
And imagining it happen, my favourite quotes from 2012 :
- No matter what happens, we'll all stay together.
- Today, we are one family.
- The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we loose our humanity.
- Like this cup, you are full of opinions and speculation. To see the light of wisdom, you must first empty your cup.
- I thought we had more time.
Haha, the last quote. I remember when I first watched the movie, I went around saying that, with the facial expression of Adrian..
Person#1 : Are you ready for ____________paper??
Darsh : *serious expression* I thought we had more time..
Person#2 : You haven't eaten your breakfast yet??
Darsh : *serious expression* I thought we had more time..
Vivian : Have you memorised ____________ yet??
Darsh : *serious expression* I thought -
Vivian : Stop it. --''
Haha :D
Yes, that's what scared me the most. I can't handle regrets. Not having enough time, to love, to live, to say goodbye.. I think if the world were to end now, I'm certainly not ready. I haven't accomplish anything. And I've sinned, a lot..No matter how hard I tried to be good, I've screwed up..and I haven't had the chance to repent yet, because I keep saying to myself this one word - ''LATER'' - . And it's not a favourite word of mine, but I do use this word all the time. Whenever I had a fight with a family member and I think I should go and mend the relationship, I think ''LATER''. Or when I think I've an exam to study..to go to church I say ''LATER'' .. and as time goes on, this later ..never came. Lost it to time. It's either I forget..or I just kept continue saying LATER many times until the LATER turned to NEVER.. Even after watching that movie, I thought I should change myself..for the better.. and that word popped to my head.
The second I'm most afraid of? Watching the ones I love get hurt.
The third.. When I die, will it hurt? Do I just go..or slip away in pain..? Would I be able to handle the pain?
It's amazing how a movie can make one think, isn't it?
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