Currently working in Papa Johns, Lucky Garden, Bangsar. It's really near to my grandparent's place..like 50seconds walk.. (I timed myself:P) haha.. The reason I'm working? Grandma wanted me out of the house as much as possible and not be a couch potato. So yeah...
But I wanna quit. Cause.. I don't like doing cashier work? If that is what I wanted to do, I wouldn't have entered medical school now, would I? ;) ..But I <3 my co-workers at Papa John's ..so I'm trying to stick there as long as possible, so that I won't disappoint them. :/ ..
I don't really care about the money making .. because there isn't a need for me. Maybe I'll put it in the bank, or give to charity or something. All that matters is the memories and the experience gained.
What about the Iphone right? It was just a temporary thing. I don't NEED it anyways. So yeah.. not important I suppose.
But I still want it. Just not badly.
The last time I wanted something badly, look how great it turned out.
I don't want to WANT anything badly anymore.
In fact, I don't even want to WANT anything.
There are two ways to accomplish that.
A) Literally having EVERYTHING so that I won't have anything left to WANT.
B) Be satisfied with everything I have.
I come from a family who believes in option A.
But I'm tired of being pushed to accomplish things.
I'm going to try option B for a while. I'm sure that would make me happier. :)
''Hello, good evening. Thank you for calling Papa Johns Lucky Garden Bangsar, this is Darsh speaking. How can I help you?''
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