I watched The Lovely Bones again today. I've always loved that movie. It wasn't as good as the book, of course, but still, I loved it. I liked the effects.
It's such a sad story. I can't even imagine how hard that would be. I mean, on both sides. On Susie's side. She was raped and murdered. Waking up one day, not knowing that it would be her last day to live her life. She was only 14 years old. So much that could have been done.
Then there was her family. Her poor father. He seemed so lost without his daughter. His first born. His own piece of him. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to lose a child so young. Then to live across the street from the man who took her from him. THEN, feeling like everyone is giving up on her and him.
It brings me to the thought, "What if you could wake up one day, and all the bad things would go away, and everything would just go right again?"
Every day is a new day, they say. But every day is affected by the day before.
Life can be like the domino effect. You spend a while trying to build it up, but it only takes one domino to fall to knock down them all. Then, once they've all fallen, you can choose to pick them all back up again, or walk away and leave them all on the floor.
Sometimes you get lucky though. Sometimes the line wasn't completely even, and one domino misses the other. So it doesn't take as long to put the rest back up again.
And the sad part is, I know if I got what I wanted all the time, there are other people that would lose what they have, what they love. I don't have the heart to take what they have in my own selfishness, because I know I wouldn't want that to happen to me.
Then, when there are people who don't understand how you're feeling and they think you're going crazy. They tell you to give up, because you'll never get what you want. That's the worst. No one wants reassurance that they'll never get that.
Helping them cope through it, and reminding them that things will get better again. That's what they want. To know that even though life may suck right now, it will get better.

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