And I didn't cry. I guess I lost all those tears crying for WEEKS after I finished reading the final Harry Potter book all those years ago. Now it's just heartwarming for me.
It literally defined my teenage life.
Lining up at 5am in the morning for the book release, being the first in line, then reading it on the bus to school and back to home. Falling in love with the story all over again. Crying to Grace when she tells me to get over it, it's not real. =='' We were such kids == haha
My first Harry Potter book was when I was in Sri Lanka. I didn't bring any novels with me on the trip and was sulking off, angry at mum cause she didn't let me bring any of my books. She then went to a girl (few years older than me) who was also on the tour with us and asked her if she had any story books. She did. She brought along her entire Harry Potter collection. She lent me one and I read.
And I fell in love. I was in Sri Lanka and I refused to put the book down. It went with me to all places, to the tea shops, the diamond shops, the hotel, the restaurants, the city. The book was in my hand. But the girl had to leave early (she was on a week's tour, I was on the 10days package). I prayed hoping she'd forget the book (I'm so evil == haha). One night dad overheard me praying and the next day, he brought me to the bookshop and there, I bought a Harry Potter book. :)
A few weeks later, I was on a trip to Australia. There, I met this couple, auntie Monica and her husband. They were book freaks :) Their house is completely filled with books! till the ceilings! all stocked up :) .. And they found out I was a book maniac too, so they took me to all the bookshops in town. One day, aunt Monica's husband did a wonderful thing. He pulled me to the side and whispered to me
Him : Can you keep a secret?
Me : Um... yes?
Him : This is the first time in my life I don't know how to spend my book vouchers.
Me : Oh? ..Do you need my help finding any books? *looks around*
Him : *laugh* .. Oh no. I just thought I'd give them to you. *holds out vouchers*
Me : ... *stares at the vouchers*
Him : Go on, take it.
Me : But..what am I to do with these? ..It's okay, I don't need them..
Him : You're actually doing ME a favour. If you don't use them, they'd go to waste.
Me : *unconvinced*
Him : You can pick ANY books you want.. and how many you want, it's up to you. :)
I went straight to the Harry Potter series and took a book. He then said I should take more than one, so I took another one. He insisted I get the entire series but I lied and said ''No it's okay. I've already read them.'' ..
He and aunt Monica told me to wait outside while they settle the book voucher thing. But I saw them paying for it with their own money. Later I found out by taking a peek at the vouchers ..that they are for Biographies.
My next few Harry Potter books I got from Nepal and Malaysia. Gifts from my dad and grandma. :)
I then had the entire collection. From different countries, gifts from different people. The books are worn out, from all the carrying around. But for me, it just shows how much I love them. I love them 'till they're not in good condition. =='' hahaha
When I look at my books, they not only tell me the stories, but the places I've been and the kind people I've met. I've always looked forward to the series and I'd go to harry potter websites using the school's internet.
I guess I am, indeed, one HUGE Harry Potter freak. :) And I love it.
Many people posted on facebook that they feel like crying because it's over. But to me, it's not over. It's still alive, inside of me. And I don't regret anything about it. :)
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