And cried and cried and cried.
Towards the ending, my brothers came home and I had to stop all my tears which was EXTREMELY HARD to do. Cause' if they knew I was crying, they'd NEVER let me forget it. You know, kids. *rolls eyes*
The last part when Hachi died, I literally felt like I couldn't breathe. And Arvind was asking questions like '' Is he asleep? He just sits there the entire day, why is he tired?? '' ..and trying to sound normal I told him ''Hachi died..'' .. :(
Throughout the entire movie, I thought of how Hachi must have felt, to wait for someone he loves everyday for the next 9 years, just waiting. Waiting for no one to come. If I was one of those people there at the station, I would've broke down crying at the SIGHT of it.
And it's great that they made a monument of Hachi at the Shibuya train station in Japan. It's a tale that should be remembered. I could go on and on about the morality and stuffs but I'm afraid I'd cry again. ==
I think I've changed. When I was younger, I used to love movies that ended in one of the main character's death.
But now, I just want all movies to end happily.
I can't take deaths or sad endings like how I used to.
I'm not sure it's my movie preferences that changed or perhaps, it's me.
My eyes are red from all the crying.
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