In starbucks, we bumped into two kids, who sat and played UNO with us. So cute :) .. And funny thing was, everyone thought they didn't know how to play UNO so they kept bullshitting the kids (not me, I was busy aww-ing at their cuteness haha).. that even when they lost, Sugentha was all ''You have the MOST cards! yay you win!'' .. :) Towards the end though, the girl was teaching her younger bro how to play UNO.. and she was teaching him the RIGHT way.. I burst out laughing like crazy, everyone's expression was PRICELESS. :p
Sugentha teaching them high5s :)
The other day in a BORING class.. Henrina & Thiva sits in front of me. Sigh thiva and that killer stare .. Like he wants to eat me up..grr =.=
Divvan on my left, playing the ipad. Concentrating right? :P
Back in KL, we had our 3 in 1 birthday party celebration at the park. So the very funny. :P Hilarious gilerr..people were staring at us. Oh well, we party like we're rockstars kan? - so called :P .. Grace & Vi was like high that day. I was - T.T- cause going back to Kedah the next day.. :'(
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