Happy Birthday!

Oi mangkuk Vinosha Nedunchelian! Today you turn 19. :) And no, it's SO NOT OLD lah. Chill. :) You're only old if you think you are. Plus, I believe every age has their adventures, ya' know? You've adventured the past 18 years of your life and now you will know what it's like being 19. And this stays the same when you're 50. :P Hahaha
Anyways, this blog post id dedicated to you on your special day. Know that I love you lots. You.. and a bunch of other sakais made my journey in CUCMS a very interesting one and I thank you for that. I'm thankful and very grateful to have met you in my life. Although you scared me at first :P
We first met on the first day of orientation during the registration. Remember? I sat beside you.
Me : Hi.. I'm Darshini :) *helds out hand*
You : I'm Vinosha. *no smile*
Me : Err.. Linosha?
You : Vi-nosha
Me : We-no-sha?
You : *angry voice - points at name on file* VI! NO-SHA.
Me : ..okay... :/
*conversation ends there* hahaha
Anyways, I've nothing much to tell cause everything I've already posted on your facebook wall. No, not the 'vomit blood' part, the other part. :P
You know me.. I'm very akward when it comes to feelings and emotions. I just don't know how to convey them right. :/ So if I post you many posts on facebook with my own words saying lovey-dovey stuffs, then rest assured, I mean them. :)
You're a freaking awesome person. Yes, you have this shell on the outside that on first impression people think you're serious and you don't take anything as funny. But only few of us know what you're like on the inside. That you joke with a serious face, and I find that hilarious! No expression girl. Definitely one of a kind. :P And I love that you're so loyal. You never meant anything bad to happen to anyone and you stick with them through thick and thin. You really listen to all my craps and bullshits (advice and lectures) and I can see you trying to put them into work. You worry, you think about everyone and you take things seriously, though not as serious as me. :P Oh wait, except for a few part.
Like that time I showed you the finger and you got emo and angry :
Hahaha.. hilarious. :) I just do these kind of things to annoy you. :p To see your awesome reaction.
All these little things makes you special in your very own way. And you're very special to me too. :) Eventhough we just met months ago, I look forward to getting to know you more and more. :) Despite this CUCMS prob. Kayyy don't want to talk about that haha.. And about the little quirks of yours .. *cough* ego *cough* jealousy *cough* .. it's always something to work on..as I have to work on mine. ;) That's what being friends is about. No matter what happens, through thick or thin, we'll be there for each other. And to accept and love each other for everything they are and everything they're not.
I guess I'm considered very lucky to have a handful of these friends. I know a few people who yearns to have a best friend, like how I have a FEW great ones. :) So yeah, psst, about your bday prezzie, I can only give it to you the next time I see you. And mind you, its $$ .. I don't want you go throwing it around here and there or I'll SMACK you hard. :P haha :) :)
Love you girl. Wish you tons of happiness and love and joy and kindness and blessings in your life. I hope you have a great life and when you're 90, you can look back at your journey and not have any regrets.
No regrets that you didn't say the things you should've said.
Regrets that you should've loved when you had the time.
No regrets that you should've accomplished what you dreamed your whole life.
No regrets. :) So live, be happy, be appreciative, be thankful, with everything.
Yes yes I know. ESSAY! :p

Oi mangkuk Vinosha Nedunchelian! Today you turn 19. :) And no, it's SO NOT OLD lah. Chill. :) You're only old if you think you are. Plus, I believe every age has their adventures, ya' know? You've adventured the past 18 years of your life and now you will know what it's like being 19. And this stays the same when you're 50. :P Hahaha
Anyways, this blog post id dedicated to you on your special day. Know that I love you lots. You.. and a bunch of other sakais made my journey in CUCMS a very interesting one and I thank you for that. I'm thankful and very grateful to have met you in my life. Although you scared me at first :P
We first met on the first day of orientation during the registration. Remember? I sat beside you.
Me : Hi.. I'm Darshini :) *helds out hand*
You : I'm Vinosha. *no smile*
Me : Err.. Linosha?
You : Vi-nosha
Me : We-no-sha?
You : *angry voice - points at name on file* VI! NO-SHA.
Me : ..okay... :/
*conversation ends there* hahaha
Anyways, I've nothing much to tell cause everything I've already posted on your facebook wall. No, not the 'vomit blood' part, the other part. :P
You know me.. I'm very akward when it comes to feelings and emotions. I just don't know how to convey them right. :/ So if I post you many posts on facebook with my own words saying lovey-dovey stuffs, then rest assured, I mean them. :)
You're a freaking awesome person. Yes, you have this shell on the outside that on first impression people think you're serious and you don't take anything as funny. But only few of us know what you're like on the inside. That you joke with a serious face, and I find that hilarious! No expression girl. Definitely one of a kind. :P And I love that you're so loyal. You never meant anything bad to happen to anyone and you stick with them through thick and thin. You really listen to all my craps and bullshits (advice and lectures) and I can see you trying to put them into work. You worry, you think about everyone and you take things seriously, though not as serious as me. :P Oh wait, except for a few part.
Like that time I showed you the finger and you got emo and angry :
''No one has ever showed me the middle finger before! :/''
Hahaha.. hilarious. :) I just do these kind of things to annoy you. :p To see your awesome reaction.
All these little things makes you special in your very own way. And you're very special to me too. :) Eventhough we just met months ago, I look forward to getting to know you more and more. :) Despite this CUCMS prob. Kayyy don't want to talk about that haha.. And about the little quirks of yours .. *cough* ego *cough* jealousy *cough* .. it's always something to work on..as I have to work on mine. ;) That's what being friends is about. No matter what happens, through thick or thin, we'll be there for each other. And to accept and love each other for everything they are and everything they're not.
I guess I'm considered very lucky to have a handful of these friends. I know a few people who yearns to have a best friend, like how I have a FEW great ones. :) So yeah, psst, about your bday prezzie, I can only give it to you the next time I see you. And mind you, its $$ .. I don't want you go throwing it around here and there or I'll SMACK you hard. :P haha :) :)
Love you girl. Wish you tons of happiness and love and joy and kindness and blessings in your life. I hope you have a great life and when you're 90, you can look back at your journey and not have any regrets.
No regrets that you didn't say the things you should've said.
Regrets that you should've loved when you had the time.
No regrets that you should've accomplished what you dreamed your whole life.
No regrets. :) So live, be happy, be appreciative, be thankful, with everything.
Yes yes I know. ESSAY! :p

28th June 1992
Turns 19th today.
I love you. :)
28th June 1992
Turns 19th today.
I love you. :)
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