Gosh, I miss her so much. :')
But she couldn't talk much because her cousin -Maybel- was there. Maybel's nice, but Anna doesn't like Maybel to know much about here. They go way back and Maybel's ..well, she's always reporting back to Anna's family. Sorta like a spy. But I get it. I guess being the second best to someone in the family, you'd always want to do your best to get into the right books. I guess that's just what Maybel's doing. She's sweet too. :)
So yeah anyways, Anna's scheduling another get together with Vi and I, so then we'd talk about the more serious stuffs. :)

Didn't do much in midvalley. The fun started on the way home actually. We went to take the 4.30p.m train but it was pack. We missed 3 trains before suddenly, a train arrived though it was announced that the train broke down. Funny thing was, everyone had to get out of that train.. but then people ran in and the train left. =='' Pity those who were initially in the train but could not get back in, haha.. Anyways, we were laughing so hard, it was funny :) When we finally caught the train, -the 4th-, it was already 6pm. The train was so pack, we could not breathe. And the people in there were funny. Some kept complaining, some cracked jokes, it was an interesting journey.
When we got into the cab, we just laughed and laughed. I was so blur from all the rush that I gave weird instructions to the cab driver. Like ''encik, pusing kiri'' and pointed right. =='' Everyone kept laughing.
Anyways, went back to my place and played PICTIONARY :) F.U.N. :)
Then went upstairs to my room to go through all our old letters (I don't throw away these kinda stuffs) ..We had so many letters. Letters we wrote to each other when we had a fight, when we were bored during class, when we had boy trouble, or sad after exams.. Even guys confession love letters. I had Anna's secret admirer's letters (though not so secret :P) while she had mine.. Weird :) Miss the old times, those were the B.E.S.T! :)

Then the day ended :)
And because of this, I was such a horrible friend to have missed out Reev's birthday =='' I don't keep track of dates when there's no school. Realised the date four days later. Sigh, I know I suck. Please don't wish me on MY birthday as a punnishment, kay? :)
Anyways, Happy Birthday Reev. :)
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