I love how you're always there for me.
How you listen to me, your eyes never leaving mine, even when I look away.
How the lines on your forehead form when you're thinking hard.
I get scared when I talk about things, my feelings.
But you never rush me.
I love how everytime I pause, hesitating to continue, you nudge me softly,
word by word.
You wait patiently until I get there.
You've always waited, until I get to you.
Patience, something I don't have.
And I can tell you everything.
You never judge.
Even when I can see it hurts you.
When I get worried about you,
You start making light jokes of the situation,
so I'd smile.
You always do that.
I love how you notice every little thing I do.
How do you remember the things I say, when all I do is keep forgetting?
You remember everything.
How do you do that?
Sometimes my heart pains for you, to have fallen for me.
A mess.
But most of the time, I'm very thankful.
Because if you didn't,
and if you didn't show me you,
I wouldn't have.
I'm the lucky one.
Even though you keep insisting the other way round.
I'm thankful you know.
For you.
For us.

I'm a mess that way.
You're the glue that's holding us together.
All in time. :)
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