Need to learn how to express my feelings. Not good at that.. I hope it's easy, because then it makes everything else easier. It shouldn't be hard right, to tell someone how much they mean to you? I envy my group of friends here at college, how they express everything. When the feel like saying 'I love you' they say it, at the top of their voices, most of the time with bonus hugs and kisses. And when I receive them, I just smile. Why is it so hard for me to say 'I love you' ..hard to say 'I miss you' or 'I'm scared' or 'Dad, can I have some money to go buy a dress for GFE?'..
It's hard for me to do all those, and because of that, I end up screwing up lots of situations.
It shouldn't be that way, especially not to your family. It doesn't come easy to me. And that is one thing I yearn the most.
I remember a month ago, my housemates and I were sitting around playing QUESTIONS, and the topic was 'Describe the guy one is suitable with'.. And when it was my part, they went on saying something like ''Very romantic, passionate, funny, expressive''..and the reason?
Because I'm an introvert. =/

So, to you reading this, if you're family (doubt that) or friend ...or anyone. I'm sorry if you feel that..I don't feel anything for our relationship. I'm sorry I'm robotic and don't really convey much..sometimes not at all. I'm sorry you're always the giver, and I'm always the receiver.
But honestly, I feel so much. Much more than you think.
It's ok. I have been there.