Mr.Eric, out of the blue, told us to take out a paper and some colours..and draw a sunflower. O.o''
Then he said to sign our names beneath it and add a quote. O.o''
I was not ready for the the Bio quiz after Mr.Eric's class, so I was trying to finish my 'masterpiece' as fast as I could to continue studying for the quiz. I gave no thought to the shape or size or..anything. I kept erasing my flower though, we all know how AWESOME at drawing I am.
Anyways, at first I drew a small sunflower, but when I saw Vino and Taranya drawing theirs HUGE, I erased mine and drew mine huge too. But then Mr.Eric said to not look at other's pic as it means something. So I stopped glancing over my shoulders and just drew.
I drew a wilting sunflower in a vase..With falling petals. I didn't use any colours, just black and white. Had shadows here and there.
I thought it was pretty alright, because usually.. well.. you know. =/
Anyways, Mr.Eric then went on to explain what each flower represents or show for us as a being. Mero's was happy, cheerful. Priyaa's was freedom, she likes to be free. Izureen's was complicated and detailed. Liyana's was cute, like her, haha.. Taranya's and Vinosha's was 'SO INDIAN' ..I find that hilarious in a way. How can one be so..himself/herself? How can one NOT be?
Well, mine? Mine showed that i think a lot. That I was sad. That I've gone through some very sad things in life. But my quote showed that I still have hope and a positive outlook on life.
True? Maybe.
I sucked at the Bio quiz after that. :/
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