Okay, I'm feeling so hyped now that the exams are over. Now I won't feel guilty when I sleep too long or watch movies or read novels.. I feel free. :)
So 3 months! All to myself. What am I to do? :) :) :)
* Read NOVELS!
I haven't touch one in AGES! I miss the smell, the stories, the way I get so absorbed into them. I plan on heading to the bookshop A.S.A.P and get a nice book! :)
* Exercise
Need to lose weight. :( All my clothes are so tight, and mum refuses to buy me any more. So it's either I loose weight or I go naked. ==''
*Eat like a pig
I can't wait to eat food other than cyberia's food!! :D (yes I know it's so contradicting to the first but .. a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do right?)
* Spend time with FAMILY
I miss my grandparents :(
* Catch up on all those movies and series I've been missing out on.
Gossip girl! Glee! Desperate Housewives! :D
*Spend time with Vi and Grace!!
Miss my best friends!!!!
* Nature
I want to SEE nature again :)
* Piano
I have not touch my piano for so long, my fingers feel so stiff. I miss my music. :(
* Babies!
Okay, I'm yearning for babies :) Um, no I don't mean MY OWN (though I'd like that better!) but well, yeah, I want to spend time with kids, babies. Just looking at their innocence makes my day. :) After a few hours with them though, ANNOYED. hahaha :D Nah kidding. That only happens with my brothers.
* Sleep
Sleep and not setting an alarm to wake up :)
And well, there's tons! And I will accomplish them. Oh, the loosing weight part. If you see me after 3 months and I look the same, or gained more weight, please..please HIT me. I mean it.
Oh wait, where was I again?
Oh yeah!

Though I'm so NOT looking forward to the results. :(
But then again, I'll save those worries for another day :)
Sounds like a plan