I just watched an awesome movie. One of the best I've seen recently, and it goes on my list of FAVORITE MOVIES and list of MOVIES I FORCE PEOPLE TO WATCH.
So if you received my text about this movie, that's me FORCING you to watch! :) haha, yeap, I sent to a whole bunch of people.. :D
So this movie. It's about 5 different stories,with a connection. Yes, I WANT to tell you about it! :)
But I won't, cause I don't want to ruin it for you :)
And you know how much STRENGTH I need to not tell you right ==
So basically, this movie centers about God, and how he lives in people. How you can see Him when people do random act of kindness. A person who had done many crimes can repent, and that very act of repenting, shows God.
It's a beautiful movie. None of these characters are perfect..some lead hard lives. And yet, in the end, they showed God lives in them. They changed for the better.
The character who was crazy about becoming rich sacrificed his life for others. A guitarist, who only cared about music and nothing else, saved someone and end up loosing his hand. A prostitute repented. A police who was racist was saved by the man he had been bullying. And so many more.

There's this one song which I love, about 'Where is God?'..the song then went on about war, starvation, disease, deaths.. but then it concluded with ..God lives in the people who does kindness..
''God lives in our hearts''
I cried during the entire movie! and all the way home! I had to stare out the window so my family would not notice..but then everyone outside saw me crying =='' I even have tears in my eyes while typing this.
The entire movie was a journey, a life-changing one. This movie is one movie where I will FORCE my kids to watch. haha :)
Hahaha you're such a girl!