
"It is not in the stars that hold our destiny but in ourselves."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

''Taking the easy way out''

I've been disappointing a lot of people lately. And for reasons that I don't think it's fair to be angry at me about.

Let's take a look at the situation here. I've been in Kedah for the past 3 weeks and I'm back for one week since it's the Raya hols. I have best friends and many other awesome friends who wants to meet up. And the feeling's mutual. I haven't seen them all in a VERY long time and yes, I miss them like crazy.

And then one day last week, dad called me up and told me about taking a family vacation to PD. I told him I made plans with my friends and if it's possible to have the vacation sometime in the middle of the week. He says okay. However yesterday, he told me that he already booked and paid for this posh hotel for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Everyone is going.

So I had to tell all my friends that I couldn't make it on what we initially planned but if it's okay to postpone. But instead I got lots of angry people at my back that they can start an angry club about me.

I'm sorry but family comes first. I'm sorry for last minute cancelling but I was told last minute too. It wasn't cause I don't want to, I pretty much don't have a choice because it's not just MY schedule, it's everyone else's too. Like my dad, he's only free the first half of the week. Arun is back from RMC the first half of the week. I understand that they have their schedule too and that they're pretty much busy on every other day of the week. So either reschedule, or forget about meeting up. Don't go all emotional saying I don't care because if that's what you think of me, then maybe you don't know me at all.

A part of me is really angry that I feel like never coming back to KL just to stay out of this stupid dilemma. But another part of me feels happy.

To have a huge group of people angry at me that they couldn't meet up with me for the hols.

Usually (from other people's experiences), when one can't meet up, everyone just go ''it's okay, next time then :)'' but instead, I got ''FINE. WHATEVER.''s and ''Right. I saw this coming. You don't really care, do you?'' .. that really accounts for something right?

In this midst of all this anger, frustrations and jealousy, I guess I'm feeling all the love.

Thank you. :)
And I'm sorry.

I will make it up to you all, someday.

When I say something and someone else has a say in it, it usually doesn't work out. Not because of me, it's because of them.
But this is ME making a promise, that only I can fulfill.
I stay true to MY word.

It's up to you to believe me.

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