
"It is not in the stars that hold our destiny but in ourselves."

Friday, July 15, 2011


Got the green light! There's an MBBS intake this year! :D Yes, going to the same place with the same people, how awesome is that? :D ..

Though it's only limited to 100seats, but I'm sure we'd all get in. I mean, some has already moved out and stuffs, a huge number went to pharmacy, so yeah..


This is one of my favourite places in CUCMS. :D Yes, Click here.

It's like going home. :)

Now all I have to do is to talk dad into letting me go. Since he's keen on me getting out of there due to the so many past problems.

It's not about being 'unfaithful to cucms' as many has post on facebook (seriously, grow up guys ==) but yeah, it's about my parents concern. I'll go anywhere they wanna send me too. Though yes, I want to go to CUCMS but if they want me to go somewhere else, then sure, I don't mind.. cause it's what makes them happy that matters to me. :)

But yaaayyy CUCMS got the green light!

Hopefully will be seeing all of you in a couple of weeks ! :D

Purple. :)

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